Speech Pathologists at Speechcare offer a range of services to support our clients to achieve their goals. We advocate for neurodiverse-affirming, functional interventions that are evidence-based. We will work with you to develop realistic and empowering targets and provide individualised care.
Our voice is the vehicle for expressing emotion, thought and ideas. A vocal disorder can be very concerning for people who rely on their voices for a living - teachers, clergy, actors or singers.
A consultation with an Ear Nose and Throat specialist is a necessary first step. Following this, a thorough assessment by a Speech Pathologist provides the necessary information to plan an individualised treatment program.
Fluency (Stuttering)
Some people who stutter may seek support to understand how to manage their stutter in a way that suits them.
Treatment may focus on breathing, learning to use gentle onsets to sounds and techniques to decrease anxiety about speaking. Importantly, treatment for our clients involves education about stuttering in order to develop acceptance of your stutter and providing education and advocacy within your community.
Advocacy and support groups are available across Australia.
Literacy (Reading, Writing, Spelling)
Many people reach adulthood and may have had difficulty learning to read or require support to read that was not sufficient in childhood.
Assessment and intervention by a Speech Pathologist can help you to make significant gains in reading, writing and understanding written text.
Speechcare Speech Pathologists use evidence-based approaches and affirming therapy to support clients to develop their skills according to their own goals. There are state and national organisations that support and advocate for adult literacy.
Speech and Language (Speaking and Understanding)
At Speechcare we provide support to adults who present with a range of disabilities and can provide individualised assessment and intervention based on functional goals that will support better quality of life.
Speech Pathologists have the skills to assist adults with neurological conditions such as stroke, head injury and Parkinson’s Disease.
- Dysarthria
Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder. The muscles of the mouth, face, and respiratory system may become weak, move slowly, or not move at all after a stroke or other brain injury. A Speech Pathologist can assess and treat these difficulties.
- Aphasia
Aphasia is a loss of language skills usually caused by stroke or other brain injury. A Speech Pathologist can provide assessment and treatment. At Speechcare our clinicians set goals with you that focus on developing functional skills for improved quality of life.
Aphasia can affect:
- speaking
- understanding the speech of others
- reading
- writing
- understanding numbers and money
Dysphagia (Eating, Drinking and Swallowing Difficulties)
Dysphagia is a term that refers to difficulty with eating and/or swallowing. Swallowing is mainly a fairly automatic process, one that people don’t consciously think about unless something goes wrong.
For some people there can be a breakdown in their normal swallow, with different causes producing different signs and symptoms.
People may find they are coughing on every mouthful, having food or tablets ‘get stuck’ on the way down, find that they have difficulties chewing or swallowing, or find they experience reflux or regurgitation after eating or drinking.
This may happen more at a certain time of day, be related to a particular texture of food or type of medication, or a person may have no difficulties when they are well, but notice whenever they are unwell they have swallowing problems.
Speech Pathologists work closely with your GP and can help with strategies and exercises to improve swallow function and can advise on modifications of food and fluid to ensure your safety when eating and drinking.
Speech Pathologists understand the effect that swallowing and communication difficulties can have on a person’s everyday life and can provide support and advice to the individual and their family.
Mental Health
Speech Pathologists can support adults with mental health difficulties and those who have experienced trauma. Both can result in or can cause difficulties with communication, social interaction and eating.
Speech Pathologists can be a key part of a multidisciplinary team working together to support various aspects of your daily life.
More information about Speech Pathologists and mental health can be found here:
Autism and ADHD
At Speechcare we provide education assessment, intervention, support and advocacy for our neurodivergent clients, their families and their communities.
Autism and ADHD are diagnoses that describe a difference in the way a person thinks, learns and processes the world around them.
Speech Pathologists with appropriate education, training and experience can provide safe, affirming and individualised supports to neurodivergent clients and their families.
We work with other health professionals, work places and education and training settings to provide support to enable our clients to have equal access to learning, working and the community.
For information and support for autistic women and girls visit the Yellow Ladybugs:
Developmental Language Disorder
Developmental Language Disorder is a lifelong condition that results in difficulties with learning language.
If you experience difficulties learning and using language, you may have a language disorder.
Speech Pathologists provide assessment and intervention to support language skills. Due to the link between language and literacy, Speech Pathologists often assess both written and verbal communication.
At Speechcare we provide recommendations and treatment that is person and family-centred. We will work with you to develop meaningful and funtional goals that will improve your quality of life.
For more information about Developmental Language Disorder please visit the links below.
Anyone can self-refer directly to Speechcare.
We can receive referrals from GPs, Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Specialists, Neurologists, Audiologists, Psychologists and Dietitians.
Sometimes your Speech Pathologist may recommend a referral to another medical practitioner or allied health professional for further investigation.
A referral to an Audiologist for a hearing test is often recommended as adequate hearing is vital for speech and language development.
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What to Expect at Subsequent Sessions
Depending on the communicative difficulty the Speech Pathologist will provide you with exercises and activities. Home practice is recommended. We encourage you to ask questions if at any stage you are unclear about any aspect of the assessment or therapy program.
Alternative Service Delivery
Speechcare Speech Pathologists may, in some circumstances, provide home and nursing home visits. At Speechcare we are fully equipped to provide therapy via telehealth.
Alternative and Augmentative Communication
For those with little or no speech, support can be offered in the area of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC). This can range from compiling a simple communication board to programming a complex speech generating device (SGD). Assistance in trialling different SGDs and applying for funding through the NDIS is available.
We trial devices through Liberator Australia.