Sophia Clarke
BSpPath(Hons1), CPSP
Locations: Carina clinic, Brisbane Adventist College
Sophia graduated from Australian Catholic University with first class honours, with her thesis focusing on early literacy development in autistic preschool children. Sophia has worked in early intervention for children with developmental disabilities and has experience in transdisciplinary team and key worker roles. Sophia also has experience supporting young adults with disability and complex communication needs to access the community and in coaching support workers to better facilitate successful communication for their clients in the community.
Sophia is passionate about working collaboratively with clients and their families to address their communication goals in a holistic manner. Sophia believes in the importance of supporting not only clients but their family and community to achieve the best outcomes across environments.
Sophia has a specific interest in working with children, teenagers, and young adults with autism and other disabilities. Sophia enjoys supporting individuals who are in the early stages of their communication development as well as supporting teenagers and young adults to be successful in their academic and personal lives through developing their language skills and communication confidence.
Sophia has trained in LAMP (Language Acquisition through Motor Planning), PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) Level 1, and the Sounds-Write Program for literacy development. Sophia also has experience in implementing the Bridges in Social Understanding Program and in using other speech generating systems including Proloquo2go and Speak4Yourself. Sophia works with private and NDIS clients.